Online Psychotherapy
and Coaching Sessions
Counseling, Coaching & Therapy Services Based in North Carolina – Options Available Throughout the U.S

Online Counseling & Therapy Services in NC; International Coaching Options
Online Psychotherapy and Coaching
The Benefits of Telehealth (Online Sessions)
Online psychotherapy and coaching services offer a highly effective way to receive convenient, comfortable and prompt care.
Efficient and Effective Appointments:
An important benefit of telehealth sessions is that it saves time and money, since there is no commute to appointments. Consequently, scheduling online sessions is often more flexible. Sessions can be shorter and more frequent.
Since sessions can take place in your home, your environment becomes part of the process. Your provider is able to see your circumstances that may provide crucial information. Further, you may be more relaxed and more yourself when talking to your therapist or life coach from your own home.
Read more on Psychology Today about Online Services.
Getting the Most Out of Telehealth:
There are several ways to get the most out of telehealth services; and there are potential pitfalls as well. It takes some getting used to, depending on your level of experience with video calls, but it is well worth the learning curve.
Read More: How To Prepare and Get The Most Out of a Telehealth Session.
Please Contact Us to schedule your FREE consultation.
Ready to Live and Feel Better?
Our support system of family, friends, spiritual advisors, and colleagues is usually the first line of defense in times of emotional distress. However, the more stress you have (and the people around you have), the more a psychotherapist or life coach may be the best step to feeling better and enjoying a more fulfilling life.
Online Therapy or Life Coaching?
Therapy is a powerful tool in self-discovery, stress management, interpersonal skills development and emotion and behavioral management.
Coaching can improve motivation, confidence, relationship skills and clarity when a psychotherapist isn’t necessary or even in addition to therapy.
Coaching is not covered by insurance and therapy often is.
For more information or to schedule a consultation
Telehealth Sessions Only
1300 Stonemoor Ct. Raleigh, NC 27606
Phone: (919) 859-9768 Toll Free: (888)-217-6627 Fax: (919)-229-0635
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