Classes on Hold – 1:1 DBT Coaching Available Upon Request – Contact Us

DBT-U Online DBT Class for Young Adults
- Online DBT Class for Young Adults – Contact Us for DBT-U
- Meets Every Tuesday Ongoing
- 16 Weeks
- New Students Taken Beginning of Each New Module About Every 4-Weeks
Class Beginning Summer 2022
Date/Time TBD
55 Minutes Class on Zoom
- $50/class
- Initial Consult & Eval $50
- Payment due per month:$200
18-24 yo
Currently Not Accepting New Students
Class Details
Online DBT – U Class – This is a condensed version of traditional DBT designed for young adults. We offer this as a convenient option and an effective overview of DBT. We will use Marsha Linehan’s Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Skills Training Manual; as well as other related resources.
This class is focused on the unique concerns of young adults wanting to improve focus, productivity, mood and interpersonal relationships.
Your DBT class instructor has over 25 years experience teaching and providing DBT therapy. However, the class is not meant to be group therapy. It is a class and therefore no insurance is accepted.
Your therapist (if you have one) will help you apply the skills individually or you can make use of our DBT skills coaching sessions. Urgent matters are not handled by the DBT class instructor, or by coaches, so an emergency plan and emergency contact may be necessary.
Once you and your therapist have determined that this version of the DBT skills training will be appropriate for you, please register below to receive your intake forms and an intake call from us. If you have any questions feel free to call, email or use our contact form.
Curriculum follows an abbreviated version of traditional DBT’s 4 Modules:
Core Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?
DBT® Adolescents Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets
Traditional DBT Classes:
Triangle Area DBT
For University Age Clients
DBT-U: Dialectical Behavior Therapy for University Students
We are here to answer any questions you might have.
Toll Free: (888)-217-6627
Phone: (919) 859-9768
Fax: (919)-229-0635